You can enter these awards on our website by clicking the 'Enter Now' button. You'll be taken to a page to create an account which means you can start your entry then save and come back to it later! Just make sure you 'Complete' your entry by submitting before the entry deadline.

Can I get some help in writing my application? No one knows your business better than you. This means that it’s easy to rush in and talk about all the amazing work you have been doing, and forget that the judges have probably never heard of your business before. Take a step back, and start at the very beginning – with the basics – when and why did you set up the business, and what did you hope to achieve, don't be vague, perhaps share you customers views, by providing some testimonials, share your story and make sure you address all the criteria. If you still need help, our official awards entry sponsor is Pure Awards Creative. They have years of experience in awards and awards entry writing. To get in touch, call Lucinda on 07900 571189 to see how she can help you.

Of course! We look at each entry individually and scale will be taken into account during the judging process.

Businesses can qualify if they fall within the areas in which the Mansfield and Ashfield Chad is distributed.

Yes. Businesses are welcome to enter more than one category if they feel they are applicable. However, please put forward separate entries for each category as the judges will be able to tell if the same entry has been submitted more than once!

Yes. If you would like to supply any testimonials, images or additional information that would support your entry, then please upload these via the Evessio nomination portal.

If you are having trouble submitting online then please email haroldine.lockwood@nationalworld.com to ask for assistance.

Any information supplied will be used in the judging process. Should you be shortlisted, some information may be included in the script on the night however if there is any particularly sensitive or confidential information within your entry please mention this in the entry.

The closing date for entries is  29th September at 6pm.

The shortlist will be announced in print and online  no later than 3 weeks prior to the event.

To keep up to date with the awards, please sign up to receive updates, via our awards website.

To enquire about becoming a sponsor please contact event manager Haroldine Lockwood via email haroldine.lockwood@nationalworld.com